Yesterday I was reading HT City and I saw a pic of a male model ,who wear a cloth which which appears to be made of some waste clothes,in a fashion show.Later I got to know that the creation is made by a guy who belongs to very small town.A lots of appreciation lines were written about him in that article which in short portrays creative creation from small town boy. I found absurd to see this.I thought that this what we called it FASHION.I think Fashion in 70's and 80's are more professional and graceful and most importantly that time designers knowhow to show simplicity in their creation.We people still love to see that back time fashion...Today fashion is all about comfort and how u carry it.Right? So why designers made that kind of clothes which is only meant to show not to sell?.......Do we really call it fashion?......can u wear that kind of clothes in public........?NO. Then why we waste our time, creativity and energy which is not for mass.......and most importantly I am surprised to see out youth creativity and thinking.....specially small town boys....I always had a thought that its only small town people still have that respect for clothes and the creativity.......But I was wrong....I think somewhere a hype and over show of Media that made change in people thinking as a designer.Today fashion industry only made that kind of clothes that would be accepted by world excluding INDIA.....which from view is nt worthy even......fashion industry is full of talented designers who can show that simplicity is the only thing which reaches out to the masses not the fashion shows.....
I think if we follows what is INDIA FASHION INDUSTRY is all about rather than what
is WORLD FASHION INDUSTRY trends,then we will be the most respectable with dignity as not with our so called acceptable creations.........
fashion is all about being different!
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every odd thing is a fashion which may/may not live up to your expectation! but i did like the idea of using waste cloth material... this shud evolve ...
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